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100 Days of Prayer {a JOURNEY into deeper intimacy with GOD}
I never imagined I would ever utter those words. Not because I don't have a lot to say BUT because I have never felt that anything I had to say was worth capturing in a book.
This was a passion project that started as a simple guide to help teach others how to develop and strengthen their prayer life and make it more personal and intimate.
When I shared this idea with my sister, Ann-Margret, a best-selling author and illustrator, she thought there was potential in this idea for it to become a book. She put this amazing proposal together and sent it to her agent, who also believed in this project. These women encouraged me to further develop it using my personal story and life experiences to teach others how to create their intimate relationship with God.
The proposal made its round to publishers. I believe God's timing is perfect, but it was not. I decided to self-publish, and we are now in the home stretch. The book is completed — it has been edited, it includes beautiful illustrations by my sister, the book and cover were designed by my daughter, Alexis Livingston, and now I am waiting to hold the book in my hands. UPDATE: The book was released in May 2022.
I led a "secret" and "double" life for many years. Not many know my story and how I battled addiction, depression, and satan. I stand today only because of God's redeeming grace. I want my experiences to be used to help someone, maybe you, know that there is hope and redemption at the end of this journey.
For years, my secret weighed heavily on my heart. I always thought people would look at me differently once they learned about my past. I wish I had not been so concerned about what others thought but had sought help sooner.
This inspirational book is a glimpse into my journey, the troubles, the dark path I walked, and how my life turned around by falling to my knees and asking God for forgiveness.
My prayer journey started tentatively — your path may look different than mine, but that is the beauty of this journey. We are headed to the same destination. This is about a journey into deeper intimacy with God.
In my book, I share with you how I took those tentative first steps, and as my journey progressed, my steps got bolder and more sure. Building a strong and intimate relationship with the Lord will strengthen your faith and make you a prayer warrior.
Follow me here and on social media as I share more from and about my book.

"Dig deeper into your prayer life to draw closer to God with Ruth Hovsepian’s 100 Days of Prayer. Ms. Hovsepian’s debut book includes handy tools and encouragement to lay your heart bare to God and let Him change your heart and life with His mercy. They include Bible verses, journaling/reflection pages, prayers, hymn lyrics, and personal commentary.
The 100 Day journey is broken down into ten 10-day segments about prayer, such as: prayer is how we communicate with God, prayer is how we ask for help, prayer is how we confess our sins, and prayer is how we resist temptation. These ten topics include the author’s personal commentary, at about one-page length for each. The remaining nine days of each segment include journal/reflection pages, along with some prayer tips, making the actual written content of the book fairly short. Reflection and journaling are intended to be a significant part of this journey.
The Prayer/Reflection pages, coloring pages, and prayer list are well-designed and complement the topics. However, I read the ebook, so I wasn’t able to take full advantage of them without printing them out, but I was able to use my own paper to record my responses and reflections.
Who would benefit from this book? Anyone looking to amp up their prayer life or draw closer to God would find value in this book. Readers who enjoy journaling and writing down their thoughts seem to be the prime audience for this book.
How this book affected me: I appreciated Ms. Hovsepian’s honesty about her own struggles with temptation and addiction. We all struggle with some sort of sin, but that shouldn’t stop us from turning fully to God. As a Christian who enjoys seeking God with my whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13), I enjoyed and celebrated this book’s encouragement to do just that. I chose to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion" - Shirley Alarie