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A Child Is Born

One very fascinating thing about the birth of Christ is the number and diversity of people whose lives were touched. They were drawn as though by a magnet into the drama that became the dividing point of history. Each played his part, some willingly and knowingly, others reluctantly or ignorantly. Those who had a part in this historical pageant were lifted out of obscurity, forever immortalized in the pages of history. The course of their lives was altered. No one having come into contact with the Christ Child remained the same. Each had his moment and his part to play. For that moment he occupied the center stage, then moved aside to make room for another. Finally, all disappeared and left only the Son of God to occupy the spotlight, alone. The real star appeared and will remain forever the chief attraction. Let us open the pages of history and note briefly some of the supporting actors.

First, there was Mary, a young woman in her early teens. She was of humble, but noble lineage. Born in a small town called Nazareth. Her devotion to God and her obedience to His will were unquestionable. She was discreet and chaste in her conduct. She made occasional appearances during the life and ministry of Jesus.

Then, there was Joseph, a just and devout man. He too was of royal descent, although he worked at a humble but honorable vocation. He was a carpenter. Joseph was a patient man, close enough to God to hear Him speak. And having heard from God quick to obey. Joseph was a good man who had an important part in the nativity and early life of Jesus than his name fades from the record, to be seen no more.

Caesar Augustus, though he didn’t know it, played a small but important part in the plot. He was emperor of Rome and Rome controlled the Mediterranean world. Caesar made into law that all should be taxed, which meant that everyone had to be registered. Without Caesar’s law, Jesus would have been born in Nazareth, but the census brought Joseph and Mary from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem in Judea. Caesar’s part was perfectly timed, so the child was born in Bethlehem as the scripture had foretold.

The innkeeper has played a part in Christmas tradition simply because every inn must have an attendant. He is not mentioned in scripture, he was just an ordinary person. He did not have a room for Joseph and Mary. He could not very well turn them away in Mary’s condition. Giving them the use of the stables was, in reality, an act of kindness for which he shall be remembered.

As with the innkeeper, no names are given to the shepherds who came. Just shepherds, ordinary, nameless, working men. Undoubtedly, they were men who cherished the hope of a coming Messiah. They were given the privilege of being the first to hear the good news of great joy and being witnesses of Christ. Theirs was a dramatic part but one that was momentary.

Other nameless participants who played a significant role were the wise men from the east. These were not ordinary working men of the orient. They were called Magi. They were deeply religious men who knew Jewish prophecies pertaining to the coming Messiah. They had determined the time of His birth; they were only waiting for the sign. Their travel involved preparation and risk, expense and endurance, yet they came. Having paid their tribute, they faded into oblivion as mysteriously as they appeared.

Every play has a villain, Herod was a puppet king over the Jews who received his authority from Caesar. He was mean and dangerous and would not hesitate to slay his own mother and sons to protect his throne. A man of his nature could not tolerate another in his kingdom who was called “King of the Jews”. His order to execute Bethlehem’s infants was in keeping with his character.

All these and many more played a role in the pageantry surrounding Christ’s birth. They represent all walks of life, all cultures, all levels of society. These were men and women, Jews and Gentiles, noblemen and peasants, rich and poor, learned and unlearned, old and young, housewives, politicians, scholars, laborers, businessmen, and professionals. One thing they all had in common – at some time in their lives they came in touch with Jesus.

This is a continuing experience, for He is that true light that lights every person who comes into the world.

Jesus is the shining star from the line of Jacob. The lily of the darkest valley, the rock of all ages. He is the Wonderful, the Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. He is altogether lovely, He is the Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Friend of Sinners, the Lamb of God and the Coming King. He is indeed the Christ, the Son of the Living God!

Contact with Jesus is electrifying, but that in itself is not sufficient. We must receive and accept Him. The shepherds came and left glorifying and praising God, but the rich young ruler came and went away sorrowful. The wise men followed the star with great joy, while Herod grew more hateful and violent. Pilate asked a question that is still pertinent, “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?”. As he was confronted with this question, so also are we. What will be our answer?

10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. - John 1:10-13

Before the season passes lay hold on His promise. Like Thomas, give up your doubting and claim Him as your Lord and your God; like Zacchaeus, come down out of your tree of self-effort and let Christ come into your heart and home. Like Peter, leave all and follow Jesus. Like the woman at the well ask for the water of life so you shall never thirst again. Like the blind beggar call upon the Lord until your eyesight is restored. Like the thief on the cross confess your sins and plead for mercy.

As we celebrate once more the wondrous event of Jesus’s birth, make room in your heart for Him, do it now, will you?


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