In a time where writing things by hand is becoming less common, we often overlook the spiritual benefits of transcribing Bible scriptures manually. However, I firmly believe in the profound value it holds.
As Christians, one of the things we really want is to understand the Bible better. But let's be honest, sometimes life gets so busy that studying the Bible ends up at the bottom of our to-do list. But here's the thing: consistent Bible study and Scripture writing can help us grow in our faith. Today I'm going to tell you all about Scripture writing and provide you with a free printable plan for February. So, let's jump right in!
Do you take the time to write our God's word?
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night” (Psalm 1:2).
Writing Scripture is a creative way to get God’s word in our hearts and minds. It can help us focus on God’s word, grow in our knowledge of the Lord, and apply scripture to our daily lives.
Daily time in the Word is a struggle for many Christians, and for many years, I was no exception. Despite my good intentions, I couldn’t seem to find the time or motivation to read my Bible every day, even though I truly wanted to and knew that I should.

In 2022 I started writing out scripture, and I have seen great benefits of writing out the Bible. I believe it could be a benefit to every believer to do so. I want to take a few minutes to share some of the benefits of writing out the Scriptures.
I’ve always been an avid reader. It’s generally a good thing, but it has made me a very good skimmer – not exactly what I want when I’m reading the Bible, but I found myself in the habit of skimming. Writing out verses has allowed me to slow down and see things that I would otherwise miss, especially when reading verses and chapters that I may be familiar with.
Did you know that one of the best ways to memorize something is to write it out by hand? I've struggled to memorize verses since childhood, but I remember when, as a student, we were studying vocabulary words, and teachers told us to write out the words over and over. This method of writing out scripture helps us memorize God's word.
But most of all, it brings me closer to the Lord. Writing scripture strengthens our relationship with our Lord and Savior.
I find writing out God’s word to be an enjoyable experience. If you have never tried this, I encourage you to give it a try. The next time you read God’s Word, write out a bible verse or two that stands out to you.
When writing scripture, you can write a verse, several verses, a chapter, or even an entire book of the bible. It’s up to you. When reading God’s word, I often find one or two verses that stand out to me and write them down in my journal or on note cards. If I am doing an in-depth bible study of a particular book of the bible, I may write out several verses at a time as I’m studying them, and if it is a short book, such as Jude, I'll write out the whole book.
One of the most difficult things to do is look at a blank page and not know where to start.
When I first started writing scripture, I would randomly pick a verse and start writing. However, I found that my growth came when I purposefully selected the scripture I wrote out.
This year, I’d like to challenge you to practice writing out passages of Scripture by hand.
Here are several ideas for you:
Choose a book or section of scripture and write it out.
Choose a topic you want to study and write out all the verses related to that topic.
Use the FREE February Scripture Reading/Writing Plan to start.
Drop me a note below to tell me what you are writing first – I would love to hear from you!