Ruth will push you forward! She inspired us and pushed us out of our comfort zone to acknowledge whatever God is calling us to do. Ruth will guide you to the next level.
—Anna M.
Ruth was raw and honest; she did not hold back on telling us what the Word of God commands us to do. I am excited to go home and put into practice what Ruth taught us today! You can feel the passion she has about the POWER OF PRAYER. She made us laugh, cry, and really think about where we are in our faith walk.
—A Woman From The Audience
My experience during the retreat was emotional but yet wonderful, because of the truth of God, and the word of God that shed the light of our path how to overcome shame from sin, anger, guilt and much more...to be able to flee from the lies and the darkness from the evil one, the devil.
This retreat reminded us that all women can find peace only in His presence, knowing we have a divine purpose. We have God's presence to become our refuge, giving us strength to face every trial.
The retreat sermon gave me a renewal walk in freedom and a living testimony of His power because we all share, as women, our challenges in daily living.
—Chrysoula Bliziotis, Women's Deaconship, Fairview Alliance Church